Leadership VS Managerial

Leadership and managerial,

This two words seem to be in the same meaning in many people’s mind. If someone think about this words, they must be thinking about a skill that must be had for someone who has many people report to him/her.

Yup, that is true, but Do You know what is the difference between that two words?

Ok, In this first content of my blog. I want to share with you what I learn about it.

Lately, I have read many books about leadership (especially book about IT Organization). Before, I never want to read that type of book (‘character book’) , cause for me, it’s like wasting my time. But I am wrong, we need to learn about ‘character’ things, It’s help us to go to the top. Fortunately,lately I met many ‘big’ people (vice president,CIO,Director) and hear about what they said. I feel this ‘big’ people have widen view about they thought and has many brilliant ideas from his thought even like one comment from this ‘big’ people like have many meanings. Then I thought where they can have this widen of view/thinking. First, Of Course their thought has been full with their experience from time to time. Second, They get from many sources (this include from seminar, books,etc.). So now I know what actually the benefit of that book.

One Interesting part about my reading is about leadership and managerial. We can find this skill, for example if we have a team. If we have a team, there must be someone who can give us direction or someone who has a strong feeling of responsibility among the other about team task/projects. With his/her direction, the team will not lost their way. So what is a good leader for your team?.

Ok, We back again to our title “Leadership vs Managerial”. Leadership and managerial, both are skillset that can make team member know what they must do now or later to achive a team goal. But There is different in the way of implementation. With Managerial, it means like skill to give order, what they must do now and what next. With this type, our team member will not know about what they must do next if we don’t give order or direction. Another type is Leadership, it is a skillset that make us as a team leader as an inspirator. We make our team to always learn and know what they must to do now and next. As a leader who has this ‘leadership’, we just like give example and dig the passion of team member to complete team goal together.

What can someone be said as a leader? First, He/She must be the person who have passion and responsibility about the team goal. Second, He/She must be the person who know and always try to find the way/strategy to get the vision of team/organization achieved. Third He/She must be the inspirator for the others.

According to Goleman, author of Emotional Intelligence and Primal Leadership. There are four basic dimensions of emotional intelligence:
Self-Awareness : The ability to recognize your own feeling.
Self-Management: The ability to manage your feelings and emotional life.
Social-Awareness: The ability to recognize the feeling of others.
Social-Skill: The ability to act on and accommodate effectively the feeling to others.
Four skill above are fundamental of leading through influence.

For conclusion, we know that leadership must be first priority before managerial. A high position in company always try to prioritize lead first beside manage. To be a great Leader/Chief, we must learn how to develop leadership. Case study in leadership book or other experience help us to know more about this ,and how we positioning ourselves in that condition.

Ok, this is my first topic of blog. May be, I will try to put and share my real case next.
Any comment or idea are welcome.

For Feedback, I found different type of leadership.
– Commanding: “Follow me because I say so!”
– Pacesetting : “Follow me–do what I do”
– Visionary : “Follow me because I see the future”
– Affiliative : “Follow me because we’re in this together”
– Coaching : “Try doing it this way”
– Democratic : “What do you think?”

Please leave your comment about that different type of Leadership, what do you like best?.

Yohanes BW

“A leader is great, not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others.”
–John C. Maxwell, Developing the Leader within You, p9

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